Bitchin Rides does not seem to have all the fake drama...just some actually funny spots and some bad *** fabrication going on. I watch GYC and will continue to watch because its Mopars being worked. I watch Bitchin Rides also, I dont always like the things they do to the cars but I will say those guys are true craftsman when it comes to the fabrication they do, and it's pretty drama free. Since GYC is doing oem restorations it's harder to keep up content on that. Once you rebuild or replace a certain thing on an oem car it's pretty much the same for every other car on the show. Bitchin Rides are doing something custom, and different to every car so the content of working on the cars is always changing....who would watch Mark and Cousin Dougy rebuild the front suspension on a b or e body for 90th time? It would be boring and old so I think they try to drum up some fake b.s. to keep up the content...