New guy from Chicago, 1969 Dart 340 Swinger

Welcome to FABO and congrats on your "new" 340 Swinger. What are your build plans? Stock resto or are you going to play with it a bit?
Post more pics as you progress.
My first Dart was a '69 340 Swinger I bought used in November '69. I had a lot of fun with that car before getting stupid and started turning it into a race car, then got stupider and sold it during a minor financial crisis.
I've been in "build mode" of my current '69 Dart for a bit over 10 years - can't rush into these things - and hope to finally have it out of the paint shop in the next month or two.
I guess i'm biased, but you have great tastes in your Mopars lol. I have a long travel Bronco build I put on hold for this car which is the reason i'm being aggressive with the build timeline. Otherwise, I could really build a show stopper in 10 years!
I'm building it as a road race car and light street cruiser. I still want my kids to be able to ride in the back seat, but with it being a power delete car, it will have a nasty 340 in it as well.