dual quad nitrous !!?!!

Even with all the expense I still just can't get this idea out of my head... Maybe just to have it and use it every once in a great while and not in constant competition with it. Not that I'm in any kind of constant competition anyhow LOL I only go down to the track a couple two three times a year...
A question that's been rattling around in my head about jetting for dual quad nitrous is would I have to have a 50 shot in each carburetor to get a 100 shot total? Or if I did two 50 shot ports would I just get a 50 shot?..
Also "IF" I started just building a kit piece by piece and of course first I would want to get the little plates that go in between the carburetor and the manifold, I would assume they would be just getting constantly cleaned by the fresh flow of gas dumping over them? Or would they be getting clogged and corroded?...