70 Dart Swinger with 275/60/15 E/T drag

A little lift in the back lets the outboard sidewalls breath about another inch. The tread is still in the tub .......
My experience with Darts as to traction, is that they need all the tire they can get. That's why I don't have one anymore. If I did, I would make those 275s fit;whatever it took. And if I couldn't, I would leave the 318 in there.
I am not a straightline point and shoot guy. Which 255s are already not much good at for a performance SBM. I need me some sideways rubber, cuz around town, you never know what the corner will bring; and the brakes don't work when sliding sideways; and aluminum wheels can't take bouncing off curbs..
I'm not talking about drifting every corner in traffic.
I'm talking about pushing the envelope just a little to have some fun; just spirited driving. I'm not a fan of spinning out and facing backwards. Which is what skinny-tired Swingers are real good at.
I've got a few hundred thousand miles experience with those cars, and a Leopard don't change his spots; I've been driving "spiritedly" since 1969. I used to slide a 340 Dart around in traffic pretty good, cuz that is what they do. It can't change it's spots either. All you can do is put the tallest widest tires in there and learn to deal with that overhang back there.

I think my 325s have over a 13" section; 13.3 rings a bell. It fit's real nice in my factory Barracuda tub, with the outboard sidewall about flush with the body line. At my lowered ride-height, those are mostly point and shoot. I rarely install them.

The question was;
Can it be done with proper offset?
Would like to hear from owners that had this dilema and what was the results.

The answer is; with no other changes; no.
But if you move stuff around a bit, yes.