Rally dash redo

Well, was able to remove most of the connectors from the harness. Removing the wires from fuse block was a pain in the *** lol. A little tedious as I didnt want to cut/snip/break anything. At this point its trying to see what is usable and what isnt. I thought it was a 67 harness but turns out to be 68. No big deal most things are the same.
Looks like fuse block is pooched, had some heat/issues as well as my hi/lo dimmer switch, as well as bulkhead connector. So I will be hunting for those if anyone has good ones?
Soaked some of the connections in apple cider vinegar, stuff worked awesome!
You can see how clean the round circuit board connectors are after soaking.
I took moparmatt2000 advice and neutralized the vinegar acid by soaking connectors in TSP after.
I noticed some connectors are brass and some steel? See pics. OR are the "steel" ones tinned?
Thanks all, as someone mentioned this is tedious as heck and for the person that has more time than $$ lol. Helps me understand the wiring a little bit more too(hopefully)
Anyone sell new fuse block, bulkhead and dimmer switch connector?




