Help Identifying a 392 HEMI for sale

So do you think 4-5 grand on top of the purchase price to get it back to where it should be is possible? I’m trying to decide if this is worth the effort. I’m going to stuff this in my 71 Swinger to replace the 360 that’s in there which I’ll sell to offset this build if it makes sense

It's all dependent on the person. If you're really good at budget builds and can do a lot of the work yourself, yes, it's very possible. But if you are going to have to farm a lot of the build work out, then probably not. I did all of the cylinder head work myself minus the milling. I also prepped my own block and assembled the engine myself. The more you can do yourself, the more you can save. I was also in the right place at the right time when buying parts.......or you might say I just waited it out.