Help Identifying a 392 HEMI for sale

So do you think 4-5 grand on top of the purchase price to get it back to where it should be is possible? I’m trying to decide if this is worth the effort. I’m going to stuff this in my 71 Swinger to replace the 360 that’s in there which I’ll sell to offset this build if it makes sense

Early Chrysler Hemi's cost A LOT to build. Even with non-race parts. 392's are even worse. Everything for a 392 costs more, and there are a decent number of things that are unique to the 392 because it has a taller deck than the 331/354's did. Without rockers and valve gear you're not going to build it for less than $5k. Quite honestly, I wouldn't mess with a 392 unless I had $10k to spend on just the build. Seriously, just go over to Hot Heads Research & Racing Early Chrysler Hemi Engine Parts and start pricing out some of the parts you need. Without the valvetrain you've got some money to spend before you even start working on the rebuild costs. Sure, you can build a 392 for less than $10k. But given the parts your missing, even a basic rebuild is gonna be hard to get under $5k.

In addition, you will need a decent amount of custom work to put the 392 in your '71. I've seen it done, but you're going to be on your own for a bunch of parts. You'd be far better off and money ahead building a 440. No, that wouldn't be as cool looking, but resale would probably be better since the 392 isn't an engine that normally goes in a '71 Swinger.