Windshield and back glass chrome trim

I just had my rear window gasket replaced on my 71' today. If it were me, I'd put the trim back on as its pretty ugly without it. There's some pretty large gaps that the trim fills. Besides, the rear window is recessed into the body. When you get the trim off and before removing the glass, you'll see what I mean. But if you can live with it, then make yourself happy.

The fella that did my work told me that the trim helps keep everything in place by way of the reveal clips along with the gasket mating with the pinch weld.

I have no way to say whether that's true or not, but, I have no reason to doubt him as he was highly recommended to me as a go-to guy that has a lot of experience with mopar window glass and has worked in the industry for 35yrs.

Perhaps someone will come along and shed some light on the purpose of the trim other than making it look nice.