Please help I’m Stuck It’s been 5 months
first,..pull solenoid off fender and take a wire brush to fender where it mounts! if it dont ground car wont ever crank! then check the bulk head connection make sure it ant fried!! then get a test light and check n see where you got power and where you dont!!! the key switch trips the solenoid, then the solenoid kicks the starter! if you ant found your issue by then, check to see if your getting power to coil while cranking motor over! all it takes is fuel spark an air to build a fire, but a ol mopar can be a pain to get right!
edit!!! straight gear cars shouldn't have neutral safety switch, thay got back up light switch on trans!!!!!!!! the wire coming off solenoid for neutral safety gose to bolt holding solenoid to fender to ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!