Aftermarket part rant
I spent 15 years or so selling auto/ truck parts. The second place I worked for had a reputation of "having everything" or "getting anything" We had a stash of catalogs clear back to the 40's and 30's. "Back in the day" around here, there were LOTS of "GI rigs" (WWII surplus trucks) made into "log jammers" and other farm/ woods equipment. There were LOTS of old Jeeps and a few other things. And there were LOTS of industrial engines in winches, jammers, welders, and lake boats.
So, maybe you can understand that I get a bit annoyed at the modern era of "parts stores."
And, it is MORE than annoying what has happened to old school brand name parts. And it should be ILLEGAL when it applies to brake, suspension, and other "must have" safety parts