Stop in for a cup of coffee

I'd figure that, but it would be a lot less people buying and likely lower the value.

There's always gonna be a demand for it...

I heard on the news this week that many of our local dispensaries are running short and the medical people are not able to get the strains that they need... They want the dispensaries to save some of the various kinds for the medical people...

With the record sales of it and the taxes that they are making on it around here, if they need to tax us any more they are f*cked up.... If they need more money than they make off the weed sales tax, they need to learn to budget our tax money better... However Crook County is known for taxing the **** out of us... They have extra tax for the "sin taxes"; alcohol, tobacco, and gas...

They tried to put a 'sugar tax' on drinks, but that failed miserably... Many people just went outside of cook county and bought their pop, juice, etc... They failed to meet their projected tax revenue by over 2/3'rds... Yeah only about 30% of what they thought that they could take in... Restaurants even suffered as people either stopped going out to eat or just went to a neighboring county... It drove the customers out of cook county... That f*ckhead Michael Bloomberg tried running ads to justify the sugar tax saying it was to fight obesity in kids - what a bunch of bullshit, it was another tax/money grab for cook county...

Then in less than 6 months, cook county repealed the sugar tax... But they tried to sneak it in on the next election ballot??? :wtf:

They failed the first time and didn't get the message that the people didn't want it... Then tried to sneak it back in...

Whenever anyone from around here goes to Indiana, they stock up on beer, liquor, and cigarettes.... And top off their car with gas to avoid the crook county taxes...