March performance vs cvf pulleys on 340

It’s best to use something like a knife edge bearing puller behind the alternator pulley with a good positive locking

The only reason the case was separated was so the pulley could be put back in by using a press while pushing down directly on the rear of the armature shaft. As mentioned just use heat and cold to reinstall the new one so you aren’t putting any undue shock or pressure on the rear case bearing. Use a split bearing puller or a press and plates to remove original pulley.

thanks for the advise, would i need to mark the old pulley as far as distance from the case to pulley edge and install the new one in the same position or will it stop at a certain point? Also to heat the center of the pulley just use a handheld lighter torch right? Also i wonder if i could use the freeze spray you use for warts on the shaft instead of trying to freeze the whole alternator or trying to use dry ice. How much tapping should it involve with a hammer? I know i should only have to lightly tap it with a dead blow hammer but can it be hit too hard. Sorry for all the questions, easier to ask before i assume and damage a alternator.