Jerked around....

Anyone else getting the royal chain jerking in regards to getting their prescriptions particular Opioid scripts?
Been on the same dose of Oxycontin for over 5 years now. Past few years every January doc needs to fill out a form or two and it gets approved.
Not this year. Chain jerking has been going on for over 2 weeks now. Doctors office has submitted the forms at least half a dozen times....and was on the phone with them for over 2 hours yesterday. At one point GEHA approved it....but by the time the pharmacy/docs office got notified it was denied...again.
My wife called them. The woman she spoke with, who is not one of the decision makers, told her that the script was denied due to my condition not meeting the criteria of Oxycontin. Ernie then asked her if that were the case then why have you been paying for it for over 5 years now. The GEHA rep got a bit defensive....go figure.
I logged on to my insurance. Found the page that explained what it was going to take...medication wise...for them to put me on Oxycontin....Irony here...I was on one of them for years. And every one of these meds also requires a "Prior Authorization".
The thing that is making me extremely nervous is I am down to my last 8 days of pills...while back I asked my doc about getting put on a different pain med...he told me that was not going to happen without me getting weaned off of the Oxy...which thanks to how bad my back is simply is not going to happen....he said the only way for me to safely go from the Oxy to another med would be under medical I am very likely to start having seizures etc. Did I mention that I am scheduled to have the Spinal Cord Stimulator put in on the 24th? If we can't get this medication crap squared away by then I may have a serious problem. In talking with the docs office they told me that depending on the pharmacy they MAY have a policy that would allow me to get a 7 day supply while this gets squared away. That...or I foot the entire bill for the pills, believe it is about $800 for the 30 day supply while the docs office fights it out with the insurance company. He said that in the few cases he has seen this happen the insurance company refused to reimburse the patient for the meds...
Apologies for the length.