73 Swinger Ratty Daily Driver Project

Well yesterday I ran down to the machine shop and they were just finishing up my block. The heads were done so I took em home and gave them a good coat of Chrysler hemi orange!


I still have to tap and plug the EGR holes in the exhaust ports but that’ll take no time at all and I wanted to drool over some awesome orange 360 smog heads The good news is the machine shop set them up for enough lift to run the bigger cam that I have. A comp XE-268 with 224/230 @.050 and .477/.480 lift. I had a single pattern HE-268 but I want this thing to have a bit of a choppier idle to it. And hey, more power is never a bad thing! I’ll also be bumping the converter to a bit above stock now that I know I can run my XE cam.