Duster - Suspension/Wheel/Tire Combo Question

According to a spreadsheet that I did years ago, with an 8.5" wheel, 4.81" backspace centers the it up in the wheel well.

That's stock SBP 8.75 std length

Not having the spring moved and a 275 tire is going to be a tight fit no matter what.

I think it’ll be tough with the SBP axles with that much backspace.

But, to be completely fair I’ve converted all of my cars to BBP before I’ve maxed out the tires/rims. So I don’t have as much hands on with the SBP clearances. I’m using measurements on the SBP axles to convert what I know works with BBP to a recommendation for SBP, so there’s more room for error.

275’s are a pretty tight fit, so taking measurements on your own car is definitely the best policy as not all of these cars were identical. A 1/4” either way isn’t uncommon, and that makes a big difference when you get down to the minimum clearances which is what happens with 275’s.