Sacramento County ban on home “major auto repair”

The last guy that was the renter in the duplex to the right of me, changed drastically after he got fired from his job, couldn't get unemployment money, couldn't get another job, because he was fired because of starting a fight with a customer of the company that he worked at.
He became a scrapper, scrounger, junk yarder, hoarder, and would clean out houses, when someone moved out.
The crap that he would drag home, leave in this trailer in the driveway, or leave in piles of crap on the street for the refuse company to come by, and pick up.
Finally got evicted for not paying rent for months on end, and played the eviction system for as long as he could.
When he left, thank god, getting new neighbors, hope they are ok.
Introduced myself to who i thought was moving in, and turned out they scammed the application process saying 2 guys would be moving in, and before i could figure it all out, and put 2 and 2 together, it was like Motel 6 coming in and out of that place.
That "issue" has seemed to have gone away, but then cars that didn't belong to the renters started to get worked on, wether friends, family, co workers, i wouldn't know.
Then one afternoon the smashed Toyota shows up in the driveway.
That's when Code Enforcement, and the building owner, got involved with all this.
Guess it worked, as they seem to have complied with the ordinance, as i haven't had any more vehicles worked on.
Keep my fingers crossed, as i hope everything is all over and done with.