Cam advance question.

Shelf cams typically have 4 degrees advance built in so no need for timing gears with extra keyways in most cases. Degree it of course to verify where its at. But I’ll go out on a limb here, “most”........ that use an off the shelf cam likely will just stick em in and call it a day and will never need the additional keyways as they’ll never mess with advancing or retarding a cam. Me, with custom grinds (no advance) I’d go with something like this here Rollmaster with keyways in two degree increments. Put it where you want.

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Sorta right and sorta not. "Not all" camshaft grinders use 4*. Also, "some" cam grinders won't tell you what they "grind in". Lastly, I never, ever include the "supposed" ground in advance in anything I do, be it purchasing parts, or degreeing it in. I use the degree wheel for that. Even cam cards do not take the "ground in" advance into consideration, I don't believe. Noe of them I have ever degreed in seemed to anyway.