Gauge Cluster Issues/IVR

Mechanical limiters are just that... mechanical. It works fine until it fails. We know it will eventually. We know its 50 years old. So, run it until you have no choice but to replace it or take advantage of opportunity to replace it.
We dont know how long a solid state regulator will live either but... with minimal effort we can locate the thing by the fusebox or anywhere it can be replaced in a minute.
The E-body doesn't have its limiter in a gauge or even plugged into a circuit board. Hell there aint a circuit board. Their limiter is hanging with a screw like a horn relay, etc... That's Chryslers optimal "how to" example.
My own solid state regulator is still mounted where the noise capasitor was but... I have a custom built rally panel. I think I could pull the stereo and reach though that opening to replace it if needed. It has been in service more than 13 years now.