Rally dash redo

Thanks, my phone wont open this for some reason?? I'll chk it tomorrow.
I know I will have a few repeats on this harness but once the harness gets closer to finished I can put it in dash and see what other mods I'll do. (Mad bypass, speaker upgrade) Not sure what else but I'm sure there's more lol.
**sidenote** got to find something to "coat" the metal hooks in the dash that hold the harness. Sandblaster removed all the coating. I could just use electrical tape but would like for something a little "nicer"
Ideas? See pic of "hook"
Sounds like what I did when I upgraded the gauges. I made a short extension as not to cut into my new M&H harness to bypass the gauge + feed. I pulled that dark blue out of the barrel and used a male plug and heat shrink to bypass it to the new electronic gauge regulator. I have the male and female type pins and they were Molex. You can find the from places like Newark supply.
