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Start out heating a gallon of water to about a hundred and sixty degrees and then you dumped in the two pounds of malt and wheat and let it steep for 45 minutes between 148 degrees and 152 degrees. That's the tricky part. After that's done you run a half gallon of 150 degree water through the bag that holds the grain to sparge it and remove all of the starches and sugars. Then heat the mixture back up to low rolling boil an ad the liquid malt extract and then heat it back up to a low rolling boil again. Then you add the first pops and boil it for 40 minutes. Then you add the 2 lb of the dry malt extract in the spice pack and boil that for 10 minutes and then you add the last 1 oz of hops and boil for five minutes. Then you turn it off and cool it 2 yeast pitching temperature which is usually around 70 to 80 degrees add enough water to bring it up to the five gallon mark and then sprinkle the yeast on top and let it ferment for two or three days or longer. When it is done fermenting, you add priming sugar (for carbonation) and let it sit and get happy for a few weeks. Then let it sit in a frig for a few days before drinking.


