Trunk Divider

You can also fill a couple old socks with moth balls. Pitch one in the trunk, and one under the hood. Then roll the windows up tight. Rodents do not like that camphor smell.

We used to winterize our travel trailer we left parked on site year round at the Jersey shore this way. Never got any rodents. Our neighbors ended up having them ruin theirs. In the springtime they found them nested in their silverware drawers using the curtains and seat cushion fabric to make nests. Easy clean up in the spring since mothballs dissolve over time. Just pick up the tied off socks when dewinterizing in the spring, and roll the windows down.

If worried about rodents, I would do that anyways even if you dont use jute, since they will use the burlap under your seats, hollow out the seat foam, and chew on wiring harnesses. Them little fuckers can find the damndest places to build nests too.

Upon taking my sons car apart for a reskinning I found nests inside ALL the framerails, packed inside the C pillar structure on both sides, and packed inside both rocker panels. I had to shove a shop vac tube inside from the back all the way up to the front on each rocker to pull out old seat stuffing, and pecan shells.