A note about Cherokee disc brake swaps

OK cool. I was t sure if this was going in a weird direction or not, glad it was not. Hey did know two by the name Felix and both were properly fitted to there name. But those you mention, sorry, that’s a negligible ghost rider...

FWIW, the screen name is actually what I call my car.
It never drive smoothly. But, for $600, I’ll NEVER see an E body that cheap again. And so that fish rumbles as I drive it & Race it.

Yes, had a very good friend yrs ago 2011 that had the same name RumbleFish on license plate. An also RamFever. We put a 360 in his 71 Dart. He passed away. RumbleFish brought back memories. I'm getting older.:eek:
Yep u can use the Green bearings, i have them on my disc brake swap. The stock bearing are way better. Timkin Brand.