Cleaning pistons

vapor is #10 glass bead and water. its cabinet based. Does great work on non ferrous metals but I have found it’s also great on plastics and rubber. Wiring and plug come out almost new. It’s huge in Europe but has never really caught on in North America (yet) big with the vintage bike guys and I love it for the restoration stuff.
@chrisf Oooooooo, preeeeeety.

I don’t know if that process. Could you tell me (us) about it.


Thanks for the correction!

Brass brush used on the sides, the mild steel on top. Re smoothie if need be. The sides can be a bug PIA only beat by cleaning the piston ring area. Cars should be taken not to mar or gouge that area. I don’t care if you use a screw driver, take care in keeping that area perfect.




