What’s the deal on Schumacher Creative Services

Well, if everything career-wise pans out for me over the next 5-10 years maybe I'll look into producing and selling some Mopar parts. I doubt I'd make much money but I'm a younger guy (29) who's passionate about the hobby and I don't want to be stuck driving damn belly-button Chevies and Fords if I want a classic when I'm 50. I know it's a tough deal getting into that kind of business but being a Mopar guy sucks when you need parts and I'm tired of the lack of suppliers as I'm sure everyone else is.

Maybe I'll get into using additive manufacturing (3D printing) or whatever other new tech stuff has come about in the last decade or so, it's pretty wild where things are going. Obviously that won't work well for body panels but mechanical parts I think are definitely doable. Just thinking out loud lol.