Stop in for a cup of coffee

Buddy picks me up in his truck,i have to reset his clock. He cant figure it out either.

For many years this older gentleman would find me after the time change so i could set his watch. “Spaceman John”
He would buy my coffee and we would have a visit twice a year.
He actually believed he was from outer space. Was quite the character.
But my little town is, or was full of interesting people,
Old Ernie Donan, was a water witch. A very successful one at that.
Would strip down naked and walk around with a cardboard box covering his midsection.
Waiting for something to happen.
and it did,and would mark the place to drill a well. Always found water.
So many memories from such a small town,i am so lucky to be living here.

My dead uncle Harry was killed by a falling piano...

His funeral was very low-key... B-flat... :rolleyes: