Drag Truck Part 2 "blackmark redemption"

I have have no doubt Jpar you get this ironed out. I for one commend you for the uniqueness of your build, I also built my motor for the uniqueness and the cool factor of a multi carbureted build. dinos have brought great info to our Hobby but they have also killed a lot of the romance of individual builds. Cookie cutter set ups for 10 more horsepower or seven more foot pounds of torque have become the norm. So some people call it jewelry some people call it bling but that works for me my wife doesn't clean my clothes the whitest or make the best meatloaf but she can still Rock a bikini at 40 and is very unique at four foot ten 110 lb so yeah I like bling a lot!

Nice post, but J par is indeed a cookie cutter. He's thrown bad meatloaf and dirty laundry all over my Drag Truck - cuz it ain't a Duster :rolleyes:
I'm a chocolate chip cookie eater and there's no bad in the meatloaf made around here.. there's a vast difference between a thread for fun and a thread where learning is needed..
So what counts against the budget? Sawzall blades? I understand you've only had $1,300 into the budget but I just can't believe that building a separate motor to do all the testing and trial and error with gears and the body and all of that and the rear end doesn't count against the budget... it's easy to understand why you don't have tuning problems when you have stock compression motors with stock cams and stock ignition parts...
it's easy to understand why you don't have traction problems when you don't have enough power to break traction.lol..
I can hardly wait to see your 10 second truck in perfect tune... I can hardly wait to see it bite on the drag strip and pull the front tires up and get a 1.40 60 foot...:rolleyes:..
I asked you to stir the pot on mymassive reconstruction thread if you needed to. I was hoping to get help on my carburetors on the carburetor thread.. but you've heard me say that before...