Anyone here know woodworking?
I don't recall any of the sliding miter saws I've use that allow partial depth cuts like you'ld want for making lap joints. You can do that with a circular saw if you're careful.
Combination molding planes are good and bad. The downsides are that they require additional setup and generally provide less support (harder to control).
A good plough and rabbet plane is a little different animal. They provide good support. Just be careful extra careful as the blade sticks out the edge a hair.
Combo plane (can't lie - I have two) is pretty good for beads on stragiht grains, more difficult for ovolos and in this case, cutting the rabbet and sash ovolo at the same time.
Of the people who have you tube videos up, Paul Sellers is the one guy I'd look at for hand tools info. He was/is an experienced fine woodworker first, including architectural work.