Burning oil

Taper in the bores can wear rings out pretty quickly. I did a few re-hones in my early/poor years, and the rings never lasted worth a darn. I don't do anything but fresh bores anymore. You don't need to second-guess yourself later.

If the valve stem seals are bad, you sure ought to see it when you press on the gas after a deceleration; it may or may not be visible during decel, 'specially out there in the flatlands. You 100% need to have someone follow you to observe when the oil smoke appears. You can't see it all from there, especially with the outlets so far under the car. Get one of your buddies to follow you and go through a routine of different checks.

And with the oil thicker at cold start, you may well not see it then, regardless of where it is going.

If I read your posts right, when the PCV is not connected, the crankcase is going to build some pressure regardless. so that is not conclusive IMHO.