My chuckle for today. The stepson is 28, ag teacher with 2 degrees. Wife is RN, they have a 6 month old baby. They work on N edge of Houston burbs. Kid calls mom and starts his preaching about the virus, and how they know it all since she is at the medial scene and he is just that smart anyway.
Ask if they have any extra hand sanitizer, as the stores here have been out for couple weeks. We have a little, some Clorox, and fifth of hard liquor. Nope, gotta save it for the baby. OK
Wife says we just stopped at the small town grocery and they were out of most stuff, but we need little, just a bottle of Mayo ( gotta have Mayo!). They had 2, We got them both. Hoarders we are!!
Says he has not been to the store, was too bust last week at Houston Stock Show with it being closed down Wed. Too busy. They have NO food in the house. Some meat in a freezer. OK so the wife works 3 -12 hour shifts never goes to the grocery, never cooks. it was funny to ME!! lol