People dropping FI setups like hot potatoes

EFI must be like the good looking girlfriend that is fantastic when she is faithful but a real pain in the *** when she cheats on you.


And so, what? The carb is the ugly drunk gal at the bar, but "she's always there?" LOL

But I've had my share of carb problelms, too. Original 440-6 carbs were a PITA because metering plates. I've had my share of leaking Holleys. I hated the 70's--80's smog carbs, and have never figured out some of the Jap stuff. I had two DP Holley spread bores on my 340 and over time both had same problem. The secondaries got sticky and would stick a bit open and act like a REAL fast idle cam. Really disturbing. I used to rebuild Holleys "moonlight" in the Navy. Have had at least 4 the power valves were bad out of the box, and ended up sticking the old one back in, ran fine.