People dropping FI setups like hot potatoes

I like carbs too.
I don't have any problems with them. My Barracuda runs 750DP that was already old when I got it in about 78.
She has also seen a 750Vsec, a 600, and a TQ. I like the 750DP cuz it plays nice with the manual trans. When modulating the throttle in mid-turn whilst sliding; the power is linear.
All those carbs are ancient and none gave me problems.
But my secret weapon is the dash-mounted, dial-back, electronic timing control, and modest initial timing, with a glorious 22/24 degrees in the Vcan.
The only carb that ever gave me a hard time was a Holley 2bbl in an late70s/early80s 360 van (2210?) . From the factory, that thing was a POS, and the older the van got, the worse the carb ran. I finally figured it out but that was a tough nut to crack. Had it been for a customer, I wouldda dropped an anvil on it.
IMO a lotta problems that are blamed on the carb, are not totally carb problems.
my 750 does everything I ask it to, including idle at 550 in gear and chuging along at 4mph on flat level hard ground with a 230/237/110 cam.
A very long time ago, EFI was on the wish list; like 20 years ago. Now I would be just real happy
to turn back the clock once or twice a week...