People dropping FI setups like hot potatoes

The biggest problems with EFI are the owners who install them. EMI/ RFI is likely the biggest culprit, followed closely by things like ground loops

I'm not sure I agree that they are going like hot potatoes, or dropping like flies. Remember, there are vast more numbers of DIY EFI now than there was just 5 years ago. I cannot even name all the brands, Holley, Edelbrock, FAST, FItech, Megasquirt, some small companies I don't know about or cant remember. And remember, some classes of NHRA and NASCAR are now EFI, both Holley
But not everybody is the electrical genius that you are. Your answers to electrical questions on this forum are legendary. That being said, I seriously considered buying an EFI unit about a year ago. I heard of so many people having problems with FI systems that I decided to stick with my carb. I think that if a company is going to market an FI system as easy to install, self tuning and reliable, that is exactly what it should be. I can't imagine that all the people who have reported problems made errors on installation. Plus, if the instructions are as bad as the instructions for my SSBC front disk brake conversion or my Classic Auto Air AC unit (and believe me they were both HORRIBLE), I would guess that is part of the problem.

well...if you follow the instruction and the **** does not work it the installer fault....suppose to be self learning....just install and fire up.....i guess not...