People dropping FI setups like hot potatoes
EFI isn't a remove from box bolt on and go deal.
Do the research, spend the $ on the fuel delivery, wiring, and charging.
When there's an issue use the kiss principle.
Don't immediately blame the efi, you'll miss the mechanical, the obvious.
I've had a few issues.
RPM noise, solved by shielding the wires. Had read about it before install, should have just done it initially.
Low to no fuel pressure. I didn't initially have a permanent gauge on it, so it wasn't obvious it was psi at first. After blaming everything found it was the wrong type of hose in the tank, couldn't take being submerged in today's gas, each time tank was dropped and checked hose had dried out.
Wouldn't idle correctly, wanted to stall. Had just r&r fuel line at tb, removed again, drained tb, must have had dirt in there.
Starts immediately, even in sub-zero, runs great.
FiTech support was very good.
Need more accessible info on all of the settings and features.
Went from 390s to 600s to efi.