Nitrous plumbing A1A...??..

These are the instructions for the low pressure switch..
First I wanted a bypass switch on it to check other systems...
Second after the power on/off switch I want to loop in the button on the shifter.
And third I wanted to put the timing retard signal wire in after the switch... That way I can have an assistant hit the switch while I adjust and check timing...
Also I was going to have the fuel pump on its own power switch.
Also the Purge on its own button and standalone power..

I pictured this on my dash or somewhere I could reach it, but it looks like I have to plug that little 6-inch cord into the distributor... I think the best I'm going to be able to do is mount it from the inside of the firewall. I won't have to use the start retard and likely I will only have to adjust the actual retard once or twice if that... I'm not a fan of having it under the hood near the distributor or on the outer firewall....