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My COVID-19 survival tips of the day...

If you need to go get supplies, find a thin pair of gloves (leather, cloth or fleece) in your inventory. When you get to the store, put them on before entering and keep them on until you return to your car. Carefully remove them so as to not touch the contact surfaces of them and then place them palm up on the floor. Still treat your hands as contaminated and wash them after you get home. After 48 hours in the car, any viruses on the gloves will be dead and they will be ready for safe use next time you go out.

If you use a paper towel or napkin to dry your hands after washing them, lay it flat on the counter and let dry. Then fold it up and put it in your pocket for the next time you need to go out for something. Use it to grab door handles to get into the store and fold it up so that the touched surface is on the inside. Then the outside is still relatively clean and can be used for touch pads, signing pens or whatever before you leave the store. Dispose of it in the way out of the store. Still treat your hands like they are contaminated and wash them when you get home.

Don’t lick envelopes when mailing bills. The risk is low, but why take it? Use a small piece of napkin or paper towel (like from one saved from above) and wet it with some tap water to moisten the glue on the envelope. Then discard.

If you have bought supplies but they aren’t perishable or sensitive to your current weather conditions, leave them in the car for a couple of days before bringing them into the house if you don’t need them right away. You can also park them in the garage or a shed too. After 2-3 days, any viruses on them will be dead and they can be safely handled without any concern.

These tips won’t make your risk zero, but I figure every incremental reduction in risk of being exposed is worth doing. These small things take little effort and can’t hurt.

Will the bugs die on nasty old greasy gloves faster? :rolleyes:
Dave. Thank you for all the knowledge you share with us, truly it does good. :thumbsup: