Nitrous plumbing A1A...??..
Well yesterday I mounted the step start box and today I got the 5 wires connected. I just used jump in connectors for the positive, negative, and signal wire. A couple plug-in connectors from the MSD White to the MSD start step yellow. Unplugged the MSD box from the distributor and plug the distributor into the start step plug..
Both start step dials are on 0. so now the next time I start the car I believe I have to reset the timing... The instructions say that it retards it 4 degrees...
If this works as I think it should I should be able to warm the car up reset the timing arm the nitrous power and set the dial for say 3 degrees retard and have my wife hit the red button on the shifter and that should send 12 volts to the retard and I should see a instant 3 degree drop on my timing. I also want to do that at idle and bring it all the way up and bring it back down while it's depressed to see if it follows the curve....