Hurst shift box - no stampings?

Forgive my ignorance on this, but are all Hurst shifters stamped with the Hurst name and part number? Reason I ask is that I've got what appears and was said to be a Hurst shift box for my A833 but it isnt stamped "Hurst" and simply has the numbers 8118 stampted on one end and nothing else at all. Any comments on what I have here?

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I have one of these. They were made by Hurst but branded, or off branded, sort of, as an Indy. I will attach a photo. The box has the Hurst Hustler on the front and part number at one end. It appears to be for a mid 60's Galaxy. I bought it on eBay for $70, new in the box, over 15 years ago. That was when auctions were the norm. It came with all the shift rods, shift levers, a Hurst 2816 adapter plate, bolts, clips, white nylon linkage bushings, and a black plastic T-handle. All parts stamped with Hurst part numbers. The instructions, included photo, are the same as some of the older Hurts ones I've seen. Value for money. Cost of an equivalent shifter, linkages, small parts, adapter plate, etc... could be USD$700. There have been people trying to sell the boxes for big money. Good thing I still have that too. I'm in the middle of working with this shifter as I write. DSCN0011.JPG DSCN0012.JPG DSCN0015.JPG