If you have some fabricating skills and a welder you can remove the housing, cut off the perches, straighten up the springs, set the perches on the springs, set the axle back in and tach them on. Remember to set your pinion angle correct. Also you will have to drain the lube out of the axle and it's best to remove the axle shafts and clean up the inside of the tubes for welding. Then you can check the angles to the transmission. Usually you can just loosen up the trans mount and motor mounts and pry it over a little to correct it and if that's not enough you can lift the motor up and pull the mounts and fab them as required. Don't forget to put lube back in your rear axle. I didn't think you were looking for all this but this is the correct way. If not see post #44. If you have any questions please just ask.