Holley/Demon Carb stumble

As long as the air bleeds were the same front and rear, and you had the metering blocks correct for the front/rear(as the carb was installed on the motor), with that carb...... I don’t see how it would matter.
You said the baseplate has the hole on the secondary side to provide vacuum to the PV cavity....... but does the secondary side of the main body also have the hole?
What series of carb is that?
Mighty Demon?

The Proform main body didn't have the hole drilled up into the pv cavity of the secondays. The Demon and the Proform base plate were drilled for both sides. Both only had the PV restrictor in the primary side only.
No This Demon is not a Vacuum Secondary Carb. It is the "Mighty Demon", Aka Mechanical Secondary Carb.
Why it has the "provision" to make it a Vac sec carb is crazy to me. The hole is not drilled out or the supports threaded.

Ok i really felt that it was a non issue, but wanted to see if there was something i was over looking.