Masters of Motors (MOM) the new EngineMasters Challenge (EMC)
Good morning
cabin feever here
I may have some X,J U heads in the core pipe
I did have some with guides and good ex seats
I can check next Saturday if you still need them by the
most likely PT and magged
My big question on your direction is are those Hughes rockers NHRA stock eliminator accepted?
IMHO here (well it all is)
.600 lift with I.6 rockers requires .375 lobe lift- now to find lift rule lobes with that lift
If you can only get 1.6 rockers you are better off by far with one of Jones inverse radius HR's (they say nothing about how HR has to work)
flat flank HR would be a push- You could get more lift with a HR than a FT but you do not need it. You need lift quick, rollover the nose, quick close
It takes a 1.8 rocker to about equal a roller with a FT (maybe not with the lift rule, I'll have to think about that :)
curiosity do you have your valves?
We are using .200 long sbc valves 2.015
I was looking at 5/16 vs the hollow 11/32 but we snagged some NASCAR Ti valves so are just running plain 11/32 this year with the T&D 1.5 rockers going to screw with rocker ratio for next year and get the Ti valves cut and grooved- no time this year
On Pistons IDK what compression height you are considering but if in the 1.3 area that's what 4.25 stroke SBM's take so there should be forgings available All I've seen have have chevy pins - then rod turns out to be what it turns out to be to connect the crank and pin together
I agree 100% on the rod angle, thrust on cyl wall, all that. Does change the piston demand for the cam timing
How do you figure compression pressure without knowing the fuel?
You can hold down the compression pressure at that 11.5 by spreading out the lobe centers if they are not supplying race gas
Head cc vs dome' you are better off reducing the head cc first. It does not look like they would appreciate rolling the head much
on the open chamber heads are you going to run the piston out of the block and equal mill the chambers for some quench
perhaps 4" stroker ch pistons would work for that (ps keep the rings in the block- ask me how I know)
do you really need a 1.6 exhaust? you can slide the guides over and run a larger intake I think we did 60-40
I was wondering if Total Seal would sponsor some of their new gas port rings...