#'s Matching 340 build
stockrods will work fine Krooser's running them in his circle track build and I never had much trouble with them, something else always broke first
I'd side grind and mag and pitch any where the caps been cut on an angle. then mil spec shot peen *not shot blast or wheelebrator) do the big ends and tobin arp to correct or max legal length the new bushings. In this case get the lengths the same
I'd flat mill the heads to get rid of the open chamber and run a dish to dial in the compression on a nice compact chamber under the plug
the the final quench with the gasket
depending on your equipment you can mock up all four corners then square up the decks and set the deck clearance since we do not have much choice with pistons
what 1.840 ish? you can always just do the bushing in one rod then adjust them for length after the mock up (that's why I have the 9th piston and rod from the 383 stealth stroker build)