"Mobile" Auto Body Repair Guy

The man does a fine job. A few of my personal observations:

I don't think the particle mask he wore is efficient with eliminating paint vapors.

After he pulled the dent, it was obvious the metal had stretched (which is why he had to pull it out a second time). I would have done a little heat-shrinking to tighten the sheet metal back up so it would not flex so much.

After wet sanding the body filler, I would have used a heat gun or hair dryer to dry it more efficiently, I think he just let it air-dry. I don't like to paint over damp body filler. (my body shop teacher used to use a swift moving torch-that's if I can remember back to the 1970's)

I watched the video from start to finish-more than 8 million view so far. I'm no expert, but I studied body & fender in community college and I like the work the guy does.