Dartin for Divorce

can you drive yet? whats up with the kickdown

I havent even had time to try. Since Sunday I've been going 100mph studying 2 semesters worth of pathology. It equates to about 3,000 PowerPoint slides.... it sucked..

Tomorrow we are supposed to do some more messing around with the tuning and the distributor. We also got a mechanical advance limiter kit, the FBO plate doesn't work on the Mallory Distributor. Summit sells the kit.

The kickdown is literally adjusted just like the directions say to do it. So I'll see if it drives tomorrow... let's cross our fingers.

Tony put some bad thoughts in my head with stroker kits and aluminum heads and I just barely missed out on a 4in stroker kit... apparently I should start driving the car sooner rather than later :lol:

Edit- i think a converter would be a more logical 1st purchase next as that would be the most economical and best bang for the buck for the build. Havent found one of those yet though.
