Trick Flow small block heads

you just answered my question. will the Trick Flow make W2 power.....NOPE.
has anyone made 600 HP with TF? NOPE. one member here has had them on the dyno and made what 5 hp more then EQ heads?
don't give me the bullcrap about cam was this or that, compression was not perfect, intake was not ideal, all excuses in my book for a head that was supposed to change the world without any PROOF. everyone jumped on the TF bandwagon, and i really do hope that they do well as that is another huge plus for us small block guys.

a few years ago, a huge name in the small block world released a head that did not meet the hype that was claimed. everyone was on that bandwagon as well until the dyno sheet spit out the #'s. i wanted a set of those heads too, as i was in the process of building my 360''. after seeing the results of the ''best head for SBM'', i went back to the old faithful 1977 iron heads.

Just because a few guys can’t make big power with a TrickFlow Head don’t be fooled by their results. Some guys can’t even get big blocks (PIG BLOCKS) to run anywhere near the numbers they should. It’s all about the combo. End of story.