Trick Flow small block heads

Just because a few guys can’t make big power with a TrickFlow Head don’t be fooled by their results. Some guys can’t even get big blocks (PIG BLOCKS) to run anywhere near the numbers they should. It’s all about the combo. End of story.
Very common to see at the strip..... Saw a Duster with more gear, lighter car, with a stroker 440 going 11.20's. Parked right next to him was a Dart with a cast head 440, much of it was factory, with 3.91s going 10.5's. Combo is very important and the tuner is very important. IF you have enough green backs to throw at a car, eventually you can run the time you desire. Some would rather throw cash than think through the process. All how the owner wants to approach it. (obviously I'm not talking about TF heads here).