Appliance reviews?

Get a Speed Queen 12 years warranty. They are the by far the best washer dryer you can buy. No fancy digital display or circuit boards to fail. They make the commercial ones for laundry mats. Look at the reviews. I’m had mine for 25 years. The new newer models are just as well built. You will just have to find a dealer near you. They cost less than those front end loaders. My uncle is an appliance repairman for the last 45 years. He works mainly on LG and Samsung because they are Crap.
that is some great advice, maybe Speed Queen is still quality...good to hear
My Amana set hasn't broken in 5 years, but I still hate the washer. I can't set the warm water temp manually and some of the safety 'features' make me want to crowbar the lid open at times.
Lately my school of thought has been to buy the cheapest stuff I can because of less 'features' and as soon as a unit breaks out of warranty, replace it. Don't spend a dime or a second trying to repair. Appliances have become disposable commodities.