Trick Flow small block heads

Myself I don't see where trick flow heads fall into the best category? For real fasr streetcar I'm not even sure if aluminum heads are needed. But if you wanted some I would think there would be a lot cheaper way to go. And then if you want to get into trickflow territory you might as well go with the W-2 or better I considered taking your car to the strip more often.. anything over 450 horsepower on the street is just burning the tires that much harder I guess...

My son took me for two rides in his Duster and he about scared the be-je-bees out of me. One time at the track and once 1/2 mile from home. But times without heating the tires with Caltracks and radials. I’ll tell you right now it was on a 10 second pass. That sucker about dead hooked.