Drag Truck Part 2 "blackmark redemption"

I beg to differ, from the ET slip we get>
60 Foot E.T. : 1.85
1/8 Mile E.T. : 8.41
1/8 Mile Trap Speed : 80.81
1/4 Mile E.T. : 13.33
1/4 Mile Trap Speed : 101
and as you ran 99mph I think your 60-1/8th was prob a bit better than 1.85/8.41
that is what I ran for a 60 ft and 1/8 mile, LOL. My remark was the build running what it runs. I don't think people would expect that with 2.94 gears and a stock torque converter, I know I wouldn't have 2 years ago. Especially with a stock 360 4bbl and headers. My point being we have no clue what this truck will do. How can anybody, the truck isn't built yet.