Unexplainable Transmission Stutter... help?

You set everything at the high end of what the instructions say.
Like drilling the holes in the plate to the largest of the options, and blocking the accumulator from moving.

I had a guy keep making me take his car back and increase the "options" and he wasn't happy till the second gear shift made his glove box door pop open.

Ok so just drill the separator plate holes to 3/16.

On this page step 4 for drilling with the spacer you're supposed to go through the wall where the mark is correct?

Then I've noticed on step 3 it says to drill through the barrier wall here with the 1/8th drill. Is it supposed to be a notch or taken completely out? Because my VB doesn't have the wall at all.

Lastly my spring pocket already has a hole, is it supposed to get another one?

So many questions! All the time :p




