5.0 Front Servo Spring

The 5 lever holds tighter, but it engages and releases slower.:D
It can also bend the band strut or take the strut end right off the band.

I had it happen before, and I was like "REALLY? you're going to make me pull and open the trans for that?":lol:

Well hopefully that doesn't happen to me! My trans already had the 5.0 in it so just another one of those things you learn when you tear into it.

Now this damn spring issue... lol

Oh I have 1 more question since you're here :poke::D per the tf instructions it says to not drill hole "B" in the separator plate just to take out the ball. What happens if you do both and can you do both? My plate already had the hole drilled at that spot, or should I leave the all in just to be on the safe side?
